Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

Ngurbloat Beach

                                                               Ngurbloat Beach

Ngurbloat beach or better known by the inhabitants of the town of Tual at Pasir Panjang Beach is a stunning beach, located in the village Ngilngof in the western part of the island of Kei Kecil.
White sand that extends about 5 Km, thousands of coconut trees that lie off the coast, crystal clear sea water and calm waves will make you linger at this place. This region is still very natural and is a tourist area that is easily reached by residents of the island of Kei's.
In addition, the color of sand beach this Ngurbloat bright white and very soft. Cloudy conditions, sand beach and still look shiny and pretty dazzling. At the time of sweltering conditions, sand beach is not such a hot sand beach in general. Softness of sand are there in Turkish society believed Ngurbloat can only be equaled by the softness of flour. Conditions that distinguishes Ngurbloat to other beaches.
For tourists who bring young children, do not forget to bring the equipment to play sand. Grains of fine sand beach that makes the skin feel comfortable when in contact with him.

In the region can also swim. Location is quite safe and spacious for Turkish Ngurbloat ramps. Small islands are located opposite to the beach it makes the ocean waves at the beach is not too big and the current is not too strong.
Some rooms in several hotels around there provided for travelers who wish to spend the night on the beach. Lodges is generally a tropical-style houses on stilts made of wood.

Ngurbloat beach located on the west coast of Kei Kecil island is about 20 kilometers from Tual, Southeast Maluku regency capital. The area can be reached by using a rental car or public transport based in Market Ohoijang, Langgur. The journey from coast to Tual Ngurbloat taken about an hour. Along the way many sights seen is a stretch of scrub. There are a number of small villages lying scattered among the expanse of desert bushes.
Land on the island of Kei Kecil in the form of rock lead to only certain types of plants that can be grown there. Rarely, large trees and lush.
For all of Southeast Maluku itself, tourists can use the aircraft or ships of Ambon. The journey from the airport Pattimura, Ambon, headed Dumatubin Airport in Langgur takes about 1.5 hours by using a small body aircraft. Almost every day there are flights with the airline, Ambon to Langgur different.
For those who like to use sea transport, the trip can be done from the Port Yos Sudarso, Ambon, to the Port of Tual. This trip takes about 18 hours by using a passenger ship owned by PT Pelni. Including the time of the stop in about two hours at the port of Banda Naira. However, sea travel is usually only one time in one week.

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

The exoticism Places Lake Paniai Papua

The exoticism Places Lake Paniai Papua

    visit Indonesia. Lake which has about 14,500 hectares is located at an altitude of about1,700 meters above sea level. The location is surrounded bymountains and hills make this attraction has airfresh and fascinating natural panorama. AppealThe lake is owned by becoming more complete with rocksand sand at the edge of the lake. In addition to the beautiful natural scenery,You will also find some freshwater species that live in the lakeThis, like tilapia, tilapia, or goldfish as well as some types of shrimp, whichone of which is endemic to Papua, namely shrimp cheating.
The exoticism this lake is not only can you enjoy from the edge of the lake alone. But,You can also rent a boat for fishing in the lake orjust around the lake while looking for a good object for youportrait. The natural beauty of this lake was even more awesome in the afternoonday. At that time, you can watch the fishing boats began to pull overand birds that occasionally grabbing water.


After enjoying the beauty of this lake, less complete it if you do nottaking the time to visit the village of Mee and Spare PartsMoni, which are two major tribes living around the lake.
objects travel Paniai Lake is in District East Paniai, Paniai Papua Province. If you want to travel to the lake, there are two routesthat you can take from the City of Enarotali. The first route islandline can be reached by renting a bus. While the route isThe second is the air route using aircraft typesCessna. 

Because no lodging, you want to stay should hirehouses that surround the lake. For business meals anddrink, you can get it at the small stalls inaround the site. As for you who want to get the facilities and
the accommodation was more complete, you should look for in the city of Enarotali.

thanks for your reading.

Jayawijaya Mountains Papua Top Available In Indonesia

                                         Jayawijaya Peak Top Highest Mountain In Indonesia

     visit Indonesia This time I will discuss about one ascent tourist destinations in Indonesia, known as Jayawijaya peak. Jayawijaya Peak is a mountain with an altitude of up to 4,884 m above sea level. Located at coordinates 04 ° S 137 ° E 04 733 and 09 572. The mountain is looming break through the clouds and the sky beautifully.Jayawijaya peak is the largest limestone mountain in Indonesia. This mountain is the highest point on the island of Papua, or even in Oceania and Australia. Jayawijaya Peak is the highest point that includes the Andes and the Himalayas, and is called - touted as the highest peak of the various islands in the world.

Administratively Jayawijaya peak there in Sudirman Range or Dugunduguo, precisely in the province of West Papua. Jayawijaya Peak is the highest peak of all parts of Indonesia. The mountain is included in Jayawijaya mountain range that stretches very wide, even uniting the two countries. It extends from the mountains of West Papua province of Indonesia to Papua New Guinea on the island of New Guinea. But among this vast mountain, the highest mountain in the province of West Papua - Indonesia. So administratively Indonesia is still very fortunate, because at the top of that is the target of tracker world.

Indonesia itself is a tropical country. As you already know, the country is stretched over the equator, it is not possible there's snow on the ground. However the law does not apply to Jayawijaya peak. Because snows always covered Jayawijaya peak. It is strange, but that is the main attraction for Jayawijaya peak. This mountain is one - the only snow-capped mountain in Indonesia. Although not all the peaks in this Jayawijaya snowy mountains.

The mountain is also included in this type of Alpine glaciation when viewed from the type of glacier. While in a lower place than the highest peak, can be categorized into types Valley Glacier. Valley Glacier is melting glaciers that descend and flows to a lower place. Certainly, in the Mountain region is also the glacier. This phenomenon will not be able to have encountered anywhere in the world. Very unique and awesome.Jayawijaya peak included in "Seven Summit" is the top seven continents, and commonly known as the Carstensz Pyramid.

Being in Jayawijaya peak is a dream true climbers who want to see the beautiful and the uniqueness of the mountain. If you look from the mountain air is like brownies are flush with sweet condensed milk flavor vanilla. In fact, when the sun hits, the mountain scenery is also not less interesting. white sunlight reflected by snow, making it sparkle - a real sparkle awesome.Jayawijaya peak or more known to the world by the name of the Carstensz Pyramid has a temperature of up to 0 degrees Celsius, even minus the conditions - certain conditions. In Jayawijaya peak oxygen is very difficult to obtain, with the rugged terrain and treacherous that can be said to be a very challenging goal tracking. But it will all be paid with the natural landscape that are served by the mountain. It is a pride for the tracker if it can get the Carstensz Pyramid. A natural heritage unique and challenging. 
While they were there, a lot of you have met Dani, the locals were classified as primitive. In their daily lives are still living with the customs, culture and even habits like humans in the stone age. Oddly enough, even in the modern age of technology is already very advanced, there are still parts like this. Yet this is the point of uniqueness. Besides being able tracking to Jayawijaya peak really fascinating, you will gain new experiences, to directly meet with residents Dani rich cultural heritage. In the middle - the middle of them, you will feel the sensation of a man in the stone age. The most memorable experience for you if it can be met and exchanged greetings with them.Jayawijaya peak is located in Indonesia country, but tracker that comes more from abroad. They are attracted to conquer one of the highest mountains into the seventh highest peak in the world with all its uniqueness. Even carrying more than 300 tracker foreign origin had come to visit the Peak Jayawijaya, but the opposite of that number only dozens of local tracker alone. This is due to get permission to climb the mountain is very complicated. 
You need to know, 5% of the reserves of ice in the world, is in Jayawijaya peak. However, due to global warming is increasingly becoming - so, most of the ice in the mountains is increasingly melting each year. It is unfortunate, because the nature that is unique, stunning even had to suffer the consequences. Well before the ice in Jayawijaya peeak melt completely, do not waste - waste your time to visit and enjoy the charm of the unique nature of Jayawijaya peak in New Guinea.Discovered Jayawijaya peak. 
Jayawijaya peak January Carstensz was first discovered in 1623. He is an adventurer from the Netherlands. Because of that discovery, Jayawijaya peak better known by the name of Carstensz Pyramid by the world. Taken from the name "Carstensz" yourself to appreciate his services, and Pyramide means peak. Meanwhile, Jayawijaya peak name, the name given by Ir. Sukarno after successfully freeing the region of West Papua from the Dutch East Indies.At first no one believes the findings in January Carstensz. A mountain in a blanket by the ice in a tropical area. Indeed, if you think about less plausible. But after three centuries of the present invention, then the world's citizens believe that if the mountain is really - really there. Until now one of the attractions of climbing the pride of Indonesia even in the world.The charm of the highest mountain in Indonesia could no doubt. Even the world also recorded it in "Seven Summit" of the Seven Summits of the World. Because of the uniqueness of the mountain, so that this place becomes the target of climbers in the world. According to geologists the world, in a thousand centuries ago, the world has only one continent known as Panggea Continent. However, due to the insistence of nature, this continent was divided into two parts, thus forming a new continent. Named continent Laurasia passage and the Eurasian continent. Eurasian continent is what eventually broke back and form several parts, such as the South American mainland, India, Africa, and Australia. 
On the continent of Australia sedimentation and shifting plates. Indo-Pacific plate with the Indo-Australian collide on the seabed. Because of this phenomenon so as to produce an arc island is believed to be the beginning of the formation of the island of Papua and its mountains are very beautiful. Evidence that the Papua Island is a natural formation that was originally part of the sea floor can be seen from a variety of marine fossils and various kinds of rocks in Jayawijaya peak. Because the process of sedimentation along the plate collision millions of years ago, so this natural phenomenon formed and can be seen with the real.
For one thing, of course, you have to set aside not less. Due to reach Jayawijaya peak not easy. if you are from out of town, you have to transit in the Valley Illaga, Papua. From there you have to do tracking in a dense forest which has a collection of animals that are quite dangerous. To follow it, it takes about 7 days of travel. This route is quite difficult, so you'll want to take another path by using hellicopter that will lead you to a campsite of the Peak Jayawijaya which is housed in the Lake Valley. It is highly recommended, given the danger that you will encounter in the woods.In addition to transportation, campground and adequate equipment, you also have to perform to the official licensing far - away days. Given in these areas are prone to ethnic conflict, it takes special skills to deal with licensing issues. Highly recommended you use the services of travel agents, to make it easier for you to reach Puncak Jayawijaya easily. 

Indeed, to obtain a license is not an easy thing, the terrain to be taken too difficult and dangerous, so as to arrive at Puncak Jayawijaya also is not easy, in addition to the funds expended also not small. It takes commitment and persistence to reach the highest peak of this mountain. But it all paid off with the sensation that would be obtained by tracker when he reached the peak of Jayawijaya. The spectacular scenery and stunning'll make you run out of words - words to describe it. Although it can not be denied, to achieve it, drain a lot of power and the contents of the bag, of course.By - by and Culinary Typical PapuaIt seems very incomplete, if it had been to the island of Papua, but it does not bring by - by from there. Papua has a diverse souvenir. Starting from Papua shirt that reads, displays the unique painting of bark, chocolate delights, anthill, until the red fruit concoctions that have known benefits.Koteka, this name is already familiar. An object that is usually used to cover the male sex - adult male native of Papua. However, this object became the target visitors. Perhaps because of its unique functions, and will not meet in any area other than on the island of Papua.Not only that, in Papua are also many who provide crafts like Nokem. What it nokem? Nokem is yaang bag made of root wood. In addition, a variety of beautiful bracelets and necklaces handmade you can also meet there. There is also a feathered cap and tassel skirt - beautiful tassel. For lovers of antiques, there the suitable place to hunt. In addition, there are spears, bows and arrows. Papua also has a beautiful batik. Colors tend to be bright batik cloth and definitely patterned and distinctive patterned Papua. 
As we know, in Papua staple food is not the same as in Java. If in Java we are already familiar with the name of rice, another with in Papua, they have a habit to eat sago. Yes ... corn is the staple food of the people of Papua. For culinary issues, Papuans are not inferior to other areas. The first one there Papeda. The basic ingredients for making this food is sago, which is the staple food typical of Papua. To make papeda, the sago-based processed to become sticky like glue. It was also tasteless. However Papeda usually enjoyed with other dishes such as fish or meat. Uniquely, the side dishes in the meal with Papeda be soupy and yellow.Furthermore, namely Martabak Sago. As the name implies, the manufacture of this martabak is sago. In though and fried, with a sprinkling of brown sugar on it, martabak were ready to be enjoyed. Martabak taste this one is very tasty and sweet. Suitable enjoyed at leisure time. There's something else that is Ikan Bakar Manokwari. Tuna is burned. But membedakaannya condiment is a typical and very spicy. Furthermore, there is a fish wrap. When viewed from the looks, it is a bit like a fish steamed in general. But what sets it apart is the seasoning - seasoning diverse.And the more intriguing, the Sate Ulat Sagu. Hearing his name you will be amused, even nausea. But it is a basic ingredient of food makers are worms in the sago tree. Simply awful. Caterpillars of sago was stabbed and burned. Very similar to the sate-making in general. You dare to try?Then Shrimp affair, a unique name for one of these culinary. Named shrimp cheating, because according looks really like shrimp in general, but the shrimp have crab claws like yours. So that local communities provide the name of the shrimp cheating, because they assume shrimp was having an affair with crab and produce a child in such a way. Unique and funny .... nah you curious? A time to yourself to taste the shrimp - the shrimp were like cheating. Hehehee. And do not miss the wide variety of unique culinary of the island of Papua.

Tips Climb to Top of Jayawijaya 
1. Prepare the Physical and Mental ConditionJayawijaya peak or commonly known as the Carstensz Pyramide is a dream tracker travel the world. However, to access them is not easy, so it takes more energy to visit. Besides the temperature in this area is very cold. So before doing perjalana to Jayawijaya peak it helps you get used to being in the cold room, it also avoids hypothermia disease, which can attack you at any time - when did tracking.
 2. Prepare Supplies Tracking And DanaPrepare adequate supplies, because of the short time required is not so much preparation - away days are needed. Free ascent is not recommended, so the use jumaring is a very appropriate choice. In addition to equipment, the funds needed for this trip is also quite expensive, around 100 million rupiah. 
3. Take care of Ascent PermitFor licensing in this place seems to be quite difficult, so usually it is done away - away days before starting the trip. Given in this area frequent inter-ethnic conflict, so Just visit the safe time.
4. Practicing Skill TrackingJayawijaya peak can not be achieved with an easy thing, because the terrain is very steep and dangerous tracking, so it requires special skills to be able to get there. Therefore, try another mountain tracking in advance, before you visit the Jayawijaya peak. 
5. Do not go there AloneYou are advised not to travel alone, because of the difficulty to reach the peak of Jayawijaya. We recommend you to travel in groups. Following the tour packages from travel agencies are also highly recommended, given the routes taken is not easy.That review on Jayawijaya peak Papua which is the highest mountain in Indonesia, hopefully the above review can be useful for you all. thanks for your reading. share this article to your friend if this article useful for you

Raja Ampat Islands in Papua Featured Attractions

     visit Indonesia. On this occasion I will review about the beauty of a tourist destination Raja Ampat archipelago, which is the best tourist destinations in the province of West Papua. ok, we just review theuniqueness in Raja Ampat Papua.Raja Ampat Islands is a tourist destination located in Papua region. This tour was well known throughout the world for its natural beauty is stunning. One form of popularity attractions Raja Ampat is with the documentary made by Avant Premiere entitled "Edis Paradise 3", in which the film tells the beauty of the underwater world of Raja Ampat in the area of ​​Papua, which this tour is also dubbed as a World Oceans Amazon region. The nickname was given because of the location of these sites is in the center of world coral triangle. Tourism Raja Ampat Islands is a territorial region of West Papua, which is a group of islands that spread is from about 610 islands, but only 35 islands are inhabited by a population.

Raja Ampat area is the island group, with one - the only means of transport that can be used by the Community about is the sea freight transportation. This transport is used both to reach the capital of the district (Waisai) or vice versa. With four main islands that are unique in this area make for you who travel to tourist destinations Raja Ampat. four islands that purpose is Batanta, Misool, Salawati and Waigeo. The title or name of Raja Ampat is taken from the myths surrounding residents that if interpreted into Indonesian has meaning Four Kings.
The tourists who come from around the world had come here to enjoy the unique beauty of the island and underwater travel, as well as exploring the wall  a wall dive underwater manner. Here tourists can navigate the large and small islands, mountains, tropical forests, coral strand sea, white sand beaches as well as the diversity of animal life in the tourist area of ​​Raja Ampat. It may be said that natural resources like this very rarely, so grateful if Indonesia has a grace that is difficult to describe with words - words.

History or Legend of Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat Tourism is arguably very unique, because it has a value of its own history or legend. Legend of Raja Ampat emerged from the surrounding community and has several versions of stories passed down from generation to generation (down  generation) of the story the legend  real name Raja Ampat own. As one version of the legend of Raja Ampat circulating in the lives of indigenous people around are as follows.
On one period there are couple lived a simple life in the Gulf Wawiyai Kabui village, the couple had a job such as forest encroachers, whose daily activities - day went to look for food. They stand shoulder to shoulder through the forest in order to quickly get what they expect. Later in their journey to the banks of the Waikeo, and the rest unwind. As long as they rested they saw five eggs is located not far from their rest. After that they approached and found the eggs was an egg from a dragon. Because merasah find eggs that strange, they wrapped in a camshaft (noken = bag) and take  to backhome. After arriving home eggs that they found was kept in the room.
Start time changed and night started coming, eggs that had been issued in the room they hold the voice whisper, they are curious and trying to peek out from behind the bedroom door. Once they saw it happen, how shocked both spouses had been, seeing the five eggs hatched and intangible saved four sons - male and one female. The fifth child was wearing fine clothing indicating that they are descendants of a king.
Until now, anyone who counts the name of the child - a child born from a dragon's egg is not clear, but the surrounding communities know each - each child was named as follows:The name Raja Ampat Legend
1. Betani who later became king of Salawati.
2. Dohar be King Lilinta (Misool).
3. Mohamad became King Waigama (Batanta).
4. War Becoming King in Waigeo.
5. Pintolee girls born from a dragon egg above.
After growing up, all four boys - men became king and ruled righteously. Meanwhile, the girls (Pintolee) a day was found pregnant and issued two eggs. Once known by the brother - sister Pintolee, one egg which she bore placed inside the shell, with large size (Skin Bia) and then floated up stranded in an island named numfor. and the other, did not hatch and turn into stone which later was named Kapatnai. Stone was treated like a king by people around, and were given a room to lie down and also placed two stones as a sign of the safeguarding of the funeral. Until now, people still respect the existence of the funeral about it and become the object of veneration. 

Airport Travel or Transportation To Raja Ampat
In general, the route taken by visitors or tourists to reach the location of Raja Ampat travel is by air travel, and headed to the city of Sorong - West Papua (Domine Edward Osok). At the airport there is no international flight paths that can go directly to Domine Edward Osok. So, if you are coming from abroad, you have to transit in Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar or Makasar. And if you want to take the shortest path, you can transit in Ujung Pandang and takes about 5 hours and 15 minutes to reach the town of Sorong.
Then from the town of Sorong, proceed with using vehicles taxi heading to Palabuhan people to go to the capital of Raja Ampat (Waisai). After that, your trip will be resumed by using the transport Ferry or can rent a speed boat, and was advised on this port you must provide supplies such as mineral water, instant food and so forth. because in Waisai (capital of Raja Ampat), the price of the more expensive supplies purposes. At the port, there are two ferry that serves the path of travel from Sorong to Waisai, and usually departs every 14.00 WIT, then the ship will depart only about 1-2 hours later. The trip will take 4-5 hours to reach the port Waisai.
But for those who have the desire rent a speedboat, which is ideal time to get across is before the rising sea water, which is usually in pairs or as a result gelumbang around before 12:00 WIT. This is done because of concern things happen - things that are not desirable, because large speedboat is smaller than the ship, so it is easily shaken by the waves. Then that becomes the record for you is obedient to the instructions of the ship's captain when instructed to postpone the trip headed for the port Waisai due to bad weather, tides or other problems. It is rather complicated route to Raja Ampat. However, the future of local government will develop the airports in Waisai (airport Marinda), which in turn could facilitate access to Raja Ampat.
After arriving at the port Waisai, proceed to the city where you can easily search for lodging there. But before having to go to your local ministry office, to pay the costs of conservation are required to be worn for any tourist visiting the area to Raja Ampat. After that, you can find lodging.
Activity Can Do and Places of Interest in Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat islands travel destinations offer many charms of biodiversity, which is arguably quite abundant. Here you can find about 540 species of coral and 1,511 species of fish. 75% of coral species are found all over the world are here, which is around 10 times the number of coral species has ever been found throughout the Caribbean. You'll also find 27 species of fish that exist only steps here. In addition here too there are five species of sea turtles step, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp. So you can imagine the uniqueness possessed by this tourist destination.
The charm of the beautiful view of the sea, which can be viewed both from below and above the ocean will hypnotize you. For that you should not miss a precious moment in time to visit there. This condition is supported by the structure of the soil is endemic, the wealth of marine life and the culture and wisdom of the local population. As for activities you can do here is as follows:
1. Exploring the Raja Ampat islands by boat.
2. Game kayak.
3. Diving to see the remnants of wreckage under the sea.
4. Enjoy the beauty of the coral islands (karst) around Wayag.
5. Visiting typical red bird of paradise of West Papua.
6. Fishing has traditionally Papua.
7. Feed the polecat.
8. Exploring the bat caves (not bat varieties Dark Knight).
9. Make a wooden sculpture itself guided by craftsmen Asmat.
10. Snorkeling.
11. Trekking to discover waterfalls.
In addition you can also see "Sea Ghost", which is a natural phenomenon that is unique and interesting, that is located in the eastern part Waigeo, this phenomenon is formed by a light that comes from the sea or the phenomenon of view of the sunset, which can be seen above the boat and rounded surface with a period of 10 -18 minutes. This phenomenon can only be seen by the year end only.
Not only that part Waigeo western and northern region, there is a game show that the traditional bamboo flute called the surrounding community with distilled drums. Usually these traditional performances are held if there is a religious festival or on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (August 17) as well as in the official welcoming ceremony visit (leader) is important.
Cave Tomolol charm. this region you will be amazed by the sights in Cave Tomolo, painting human hands and animals - animals that have a very large size painted on cave walls. It is said that this painting in the period of the prehistoric era.
Not only is it in north Waigeo, you can also enjoy a tour that also shaped the history of the cave that is a relic of World War II. This cave was the place where Dutch and Japanese troops built bunkers. In addition you can also enjoy the unique culture of the local community who served in a war dance. Here there is also a tourist destination waterfalls, and of course when you get there should not be missed.
The next destination is the island Ayau, Ayau Island is a collection of islands - a small island located in the Coral Islands, with a very large size and the white sandy sea bottom, Ayau Island can connect the island with other islands. Not only that, not far from where you can enjoy the islands - islands with unique sands called "Zandplaat". This place is a unique habitat of local vegetation in Raja Ampat. You can also see the local community kususnya mothers - mothers and children - children catch sea-worms or insonem.
In addition you can also visit South Waigeo, which is a favorite destination for diving enthusiasts. Not far from South Waigo You can also find travel destinations atoll Kabui Bay, Cave skulls and also the historic travel destinations Raja Ampat in Kali Raja. You can also see the Salay dance in Saonek, various types of birds in the village Sawinggrai and Yenwaupnor, as well as tours in Arborek woven handicrafts. Here you can also do snorkeling to watch a group of stingrays swim. Then if you continue kekawasan Sawandarek, you can see the white sand beach with beautiful coral and many also found many sea ducks animals. You also can walk - the road and enjoy a traditional village has a unique atmosphere.
On the West side Waigeo, Konfiau and Batanta you can enjoy diving, in addition to the above tourist destinations attractive tourist destination to visit other is houseboat houseboats and coral islands in the archipelago Wayag.Culinary and Souvenir Typical Raja Ampat
Culinary you can enjoy in Raja Ampat is seafood or seafood. Usually the organizers diving has been prepared. Menu cooking was also mixed - sorts, ranging from traditional to international menu, which must be made directly by the local community. One example of the typical food of Raja Ampat is sub yellow fish. Usually the Raja Ampat many specialties offered at many restaurants Indonesia is located in the city of Waisai.
the best souvenir of Raja Ampat are often raised many tourists who visit here is, an experience when visiting Raja Ampat. Obviously with the passing mendokumentasikanya catch photos and videos are great. However, if you want to leave by the - by the family at home in the form of objects. You can buy by souvenir the typical Raja Ampat, among others:

traditional fabrics
Woven crafts
Statue Asmat
Traditional musical instruments
Tambour (traditional drum)
Souvenir earlier you can get in the store - there are lots of souvenir shops in the city Waisai and cities in Papua others. if you buy souvenirs in the city of Papua, it will ease the burden on you to carry your luggage from the Raja Ampat.
That review regarding travel destinations Raja Ampat Papua that could Twisata review in this article, may be useful for you all, thank you for reading this article. if this article useful for you, please share this article to your friend. thanks

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Cendrawasih Bay National Park in PAPUA

                                           Travel Guide to Cendrawasih Bay National Park

     visit Indonesia. If you are bored with the existing tourist attraction on the island of Bali, Java, Lombok and Sumatra, follow travel guide to the province of Papua, a province located at the eastern end of Indonesia once had the name Irian Jaya. In the region of Papua, you can try the amazing sensation with the enchantment of nature that are at Cendrawasih Bay National Park. The place is still commonly called Paradise Bay alone.

The atmosphere in the Cendrawasih Bay National ParkAttractions: Paradise Bay includes mangroves, coastal ecosystems, tropical forests and coral reefs. Paradise Bay also became the largest national park in Indonesia, which has the composition as well as the mainland coast of 0, 9%, then the islands by 3, 8%, 89.8% oceans and coral reefs 5, 5% ,.Tourism in the Park has 150 types of species that originated from 15 families and spreads along the banks of the big island and small islands. For the ecosystem of the coral reef is divided into two zones, namely the so-called zone of reef or reef flat and reef slope zone or the so-called reef slope.

If visiting this Cendrawasih Bay, you can see a variety of coral species, ranging from colonies of blue coral, black coral, families Faviidae and Pectiniidae, and also a variety of other soft corals.Equally at Wakatobi and Raja Ampat, Teluk Cendrawasih have a variety of unique fish.There are at least 209 types of fish already inhabiting the Cenderawasih Bay, one of which is butterflyfish, damselfish, angelfish, parrotfish, rabbitfish and anemone fish. In addition, there is also a benign giant shark, because sharks did not prey on humans. Shark Whale Shark or her name is called whale shark, the shark panjanganya up to 14 meters but the food anchovies, and the movement is also slow.Not only the family of Pisces, but there are also types of mollusks from cowries conch, conch Strombidae, cone snails, triton trumpet, and giant clams.If you're lucky, various types of turtles or turtle can be found and can also berphoto while swimming with turtles. This turtle often landed ashore, and the Olive Ridley turtles, hawksbill, leatherback and green turtles.

Fish that have a giant on the location of the Cendrawasih Bay, ranging from blue whales, dugongs, coconut crabs, dolphins and sharks. They often show themselves in the waters of Paradise Bay. All of these giant fish do not migrate as well as whales are in Australia or the Atlantic Ocean, so any time you can come across.Other Interesting PlacesNot only the charm of a variety of types of fish in the location of the Cendrawasih Bay, but there is also a natural cave relics from ancient times, there are also hot springs that contain sulfur without salt on the island of Misowaar, there is also a cave in water with a depth of 30 m in area Tanjung Mangguar. Then there is also a relic of the 18th century in other places such as in Wasior, Wendesi, and Yomber.

Other islands that we need to visit, among others:1. Roon Island, there is the observation of birds, suitable for diving and snorkeling, the charm of the   waterfalls, and also the presence of cultural tourism.2. Nusrowi Island, the island is great for a diving and snorkeling, the marine tourism, as well as see and observe a variety of wildlife species.3. Rumberpon island, there can see and observe birds, enjoy nautical tourism, visiting deer, snorkeling and diving, and you can see the skeleton fighter during the Japanese rule that was once crashed in the sea.4. Yoop Island and Windesi waters, where you can observe whales and dolphins.5. Mioswaar Island, where there are hot springs, waterfalls charm, can dive and snorkel, view wildlife and enjoy various kinds of cultural tourism.To be able to enjoy the diverse beauty of it, while visiting the most good is the dry season in May and October each year. You must first obtain permission from the manager or the local government when there.Transportation to Teluk CendrawasihBecause the location is at the Paradise Bay area of ​​eastern tip of Indonesia, then for those of you who live in the western part of Indonesia can choose these alternatives:6. Aircraft: from the city of Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Ujung Pandang / Makassar, Jayapura, and then boarded the plane that aims to Biak, then proceed toward Manokwari or Nabire.7. Ship: from Jakarta, Surabaya, Ujung Pandang / Makassar and Jayapura then boarded a ship headed to Manokwari or Nabire.After arriving in Manokwari, can go directly to the National Park on the island Rumberpon with a longboat ride up to approximately 5, 5 hours of travel time.Can also from Manokwari then headed to the city district Ransiki by driving approximately 3 hours drive, and then continue the journey using a motorboat takes approximately 2, 5 hours drive.Accommodations in Teluk CendrawasihThe location in the Park, there is still no hotel or inn. Usually managers or tour guide dives provide services to stay on the boat or live-aboard to 4 to 10 days. By choosing a live-aboard, all daily necessities have also been prepared, ranging from bed, drink fresh water, food, equipment and diving guides.

For this dive package would be more expensive than on the package in general, but the advantage that you can visit and explore the various small islands located in the Gulf of Paradise.Besides that, there is also another option if you wish to stay overnight, ie, with an overnight stay in a location cottage BTNTC in Rumberpon District area, which certainly it is necessary to reach him first. Another option is to stay in the homes of the people by way of rent it.If you are curious about the resort there, you can try Ahe Resort which has been managed strangers. And for the package is on offer for 1120 USD, it's all included transfer fees, wages guides, as well as food. Already many professional divers and adventurers were staying overnight in Ahe Resort.Thus travel guide to Papua in Cendrawasih Bay National Park site. Hopefully, hopefully with this article can help you with information the park.

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